Acute Angle Shirt by Selana Becker

Cap sleeved top has a small opening on top of one shoulder, with a little gap showing the skin. The hem is angled, about mid hip on one side, and below hip on the other. Ballet neckline.

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Designer’s description: I love gradients and wanted to create a pattern that uses them to best advantage. This shirt is knit in one piece from neckline to bottom hem, arms are bound off when you separate them from the body, so you never need to think about keeping some yarn in the right colour to finish a certain part. The shaping is done by short rows and the eyelet rows help accentuate the asymmetrical shape. A slit in the left sleeve and optional dropped stitches in the right add visual interest to the top part. Size inclusive, from bust of 30in or 76cm to 60in to 152cm.

Link to pattern on Ravelry $8.00