Alba by Lauren Rose

A toe up sock that is knit inside out to achieve a delicate diamond pattern on the foot and leg, with a small ribbed cuff.

Accessibility statement: A low-vision version of the pattern is also available. This version is written in 24 point sans serif font (Arial) in all black text. It has no italics. All of the directions are fully written out.

Alba is designed for maximum visual impact with minimal effort. Enjoy a relaxing knit and see the pattern magically revealed when you turn the sock right-side out at the end!

This sock is knit inside-out, from the toe up with a gusset and heel flap, and is finished with a folded cuff, achieving a reverse-stockinette pattern and a princess sole without as much purling. There are optional instructions for working calf increases on page 6. This pattern looks best in solid, semi-solid, or tonal yarn. 

Link to pattern on Payhip $6.00