Accessibility statement: This pattern comes in two versions. The Large Print easy to read version has all black text, 24pt Arial font, single columns, no italics, and fully written out directions. A large sized chart and key are also included, but not required to complete the pattern. The screen reader includes all of the above, and in addition the abbreviations have been removed to make sure the pattern reads aloud clearly, and alt text has been added to photos.
Designer’s description: This pattern is also available as part of my recorded class “Brioche and Tuck Stitches” in my etsy shop. The basic beanie becomes something special when the ribbed brim is a thick, cushy two-color brioche and the body is a wonderfully textured tuck stitch. All Tucked Up combines the two, while using simple loom knitting stitches to create a beautiful hat in either one or two colors. If you can knit and purl, you can make this lovely hat. The sample was made on a 1/2 inch gauge loom with 60 pegs, knit in the round. Any loom with a multiple of 4 pegs may also be used: 36, 40, 48, 54, 60, 72, or 80 pegs.
Link to pattern on etsy $4.50