A dusty raspberry coloured triangle shawl with strips of garter, bobbles, and lace

Berry Scone Shawl by Lauren Rad

Accessibility statement: This pattern has an accessible version with Black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.

I love a good scone. Whether it’s plain and mounded or filled with fruit and shaped into a wedge, it always goes well with a hot mug of tea and a book. Scones are the perfect afternoon snack, especially on cold, gray days when I want to snuggle down with something warm and cozy. The Berry Scone Shawl is meant to be the perfect companion to an afternoon of reading and tea guzzling. It’s just big enough to wrap you up in warmth without being so big that it gets unwieldy. The bobbles that break up the rows of lace are a deliberate echo of the little red spots of berry in my favorite scones.

Pattern available for $6 in Lauren’s Etsy shop.