Accessibility statement: This pattern includes a second PDF version that is formatted for knitters with low vision. It has black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.
Designer’s description: Bricolage (n.) – a construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things. The lace columns on these socks feel very higgledy-piggledy to me in a satisfying sort of way, much like old houses that are leaning a bit to the side. Although they’re technically knit from just one yarn, all the different stitch textures in these socks make them look like they’ve been assembled from a curious hodgepodge of bits and bobs. Don’t let the texture fool you, though—you’re mostly working with slipped stitches, knits and purls, and yarnovers. The Bricolage Socks are designed using just eight stitches repeated over six rows, so you’ll have the stitch pattern memorized in no time and can zip along as quickly as you please. Sizes small, medium and large.
Link to pattern on etsy $6.75