Two color brioche contrasts with the hexagon stitch in this triangle shaped shawl

By the Sea by Raeli Masina

This pattern includes the original version and a low vision version with 22 point font, black text, no italics, Verdana font, no italics and fully written directions.

The title of this pattern is an homage to a musical that will forever hold a special place in my heart: Sweeney Todd. The two-color brioche sections almost form blades against the foamy texture created by the hexagon stitch, and the overall look reminds me of a cool spring morning by the sea. I’m sure that Mrs. Lovett was imagining romantic evenings (and mornings) snuggled up next to her Mr. Todd as they watched the light of the sun dance across the water. Included in this pattern are both written instructions for the brioche techniques as well as links to video tutorials.

Raeli has closed her shop, but left the following message about her patterns:

If you see a pattern that you are in love with, donate the equivalent of at least 6 USD to an organization working towards racial equity or supporting trans lives in your area (mental health, housing, bail funds, mutual aid, etc.). Afterwards, send a screenshot of your receipt to [email protected] stating which pattern you would like, and I will email you a copy.