Accessibility Statement: This pattern includes a second PDF version that is formatted for knitters with low vision. It has black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.
Designer’s Description: Cromulent (adj.) – acceptable or legitimate. Calling something “cromulent” may seem a bit like damning with faint praise, but the word itself is so lovely that I think it accidentally intensifies itself. That’s kind of like socks with a particularly good stitch pattern. A sock is a fairly ordinary thing, but give it a little decoration and suddenly it seems much more interesting. The Cromulent Socks are knit from the cuff down with a twisted 1×1 ribbed cuff and a soothing stitch pattern of eight stitches over four rows. My favorite detail, though, is the Eye of the Partridge texture on the heel flap. I love when structural things like a reinforced heel flap can also be interesting to look at. These cromulent little bits of knitting will work up quickly and keep you cozy. Sizes small, medium and large.
Link to pattern on etsy $6.75