Eternal Joy by Melinda Measor

A large lace shawl with eyelets increasing in size as the shawl grows outward.

Accessibility statement: A low-visibility English version of this pattern is available in this download. This format is 22 point print in Arial, black font, no italics, written directions only, (there are no charts). This document was accessibility checked by MS Word and read-aloud functions.

Designer’s description: Eternal Joy is the fourth shawl to join our Eternal Collection. This joyfully engaging shawl features various sized eyelets, giving you larger eyelets as you work your way through your project – giving you tons of flowy fabric. Worked flat, Eternal Joy contains written directions and charts. A handy-dandy progress tracker is included to help you with your rows and stitch counts. Yardage for each section is given should you wish to turn this into a scrappy project!

Link to pattern in Melinda’s shop $7.00