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In an effort to make my patterns more accessible to all, a large print version of the pattern is included as a separate download. Print size 24pt; Font: Candara. Col. Black; no italics; pattern fully written not charted.
Designer’s description: Gansey is the name given to the hand knitted sweaters traditionally worn by fishermen of the 19th and 20th centuries that featured intricate, often geographically unique stitch patterns. They were usually seamless and knitted in tight spun wool on small needles to produce a sturdy, weather resistant garment that kept the wearer warm and dry in the harsh conditions at sea. Forest Gansey Socks are my own take on the historical jumpers – knitted in traditional worsted spun Guernsey 5ply wool yarn, these socks will keep your feet warm and cosy and serve equally well in boots for outdoor stomping or as comfy house socks. Worked cuff down with classic heel flap and gusset construction and square heel turn for a good fit. Leg and foot length can be easily adjusted to suit. There are two different stitch patterns, leg lengths and toe finishings which can be mixed and matched to create your own perfect Forest Gansey Sock.
I am trying a new Pay What You Can Afford model. The price shown reflects the true value and best represents the amount of work it takes to produce the pattern from start to finish. This price supports me and my work and allows me to continue to create beautiful patterns for you to knit! To purchase the pattern at a price more accessible to you please use the codes below at checkout. The prices shown are what you will pay (plus any VAT that may be applicable in your area) PWYCA1 £3.00 (40% disc) PWYCA2 £4.00 (20% disc)
Link to pattern on Ravelry