Frostfall by Kristin Dale

Accessibility statement: Frostfall low vision white background includes black text on white background, 22 to 24 point font, sans serif font, no italics, and fully written directions. Frostfall low vision black background has white text on black background, 22 to 24 point font, sans serif font, no italics, and fully written directions. If you find that the low vision format does not suit your needs and you require additional accommodations, please get in touch with Kristin.

Frostfall is a richly textured asymmetrical triangular shawl knit on the bias. The shawl begins with a provisional i-cord cast-on, from which extra stitches are picked up to form the shawl body. Once the lace is established, increases are made along one edge until desired size is achieved. Both charted and fully written instructions are included.

Link to pattern on Payhip $6.00