Accessibility statement: Vision and Colorblindness Accessibility: This pattern includes an extra PDF that is written in 24 point sans serif font (Arial) in all black text on white background. It has no italics. All of the directions are fully written out and tested using VoiceOver. There are charts on the last two pages in the extra PDF which have symbols for the stitches and repeats that are in only black and grey scale.
Designer’s description: The shawl is a parallelogram in shape and is knit from end to end, starting with relaxing “still waters” garter stitch. After the garter section, there is a field of “green pastures” cabled lace. The middle section of the shawl contains the Braille knitting, which reads “The Lord is my shepherd”. The “green pastures” and “still waters” are then repeated once again to complete the piece.
Link to pattern on Ravelry $6.97