The Loom Knitter’s Stitch Dictionary includes over 100 single rake stitch patterns, written for both flat panel and in the round use. The digital book is arranged by stitch pattern type, with the following chapters:
– Basic Stitch Patterns (Stockinettes, Other Basics and Ribbings)
– Knit and Purl Stitch Patterns
– Lace Stitch Patterns
– Slip Stitch Patterns
– Specialty Stitches
There are color photos of each type of stitch pattern, and a full Table of Contents and Alphabetical Index, with hyperlinks and bookmarks to make navigation within the dictionary easier.
The stitch patterns have clear, step-by-step directions in terms just for loom knitters. You won’t find a “ssk” or “psso” in this dictionary.
The Dictionary has an introductory section with suggestions to start you using the stitch patterns in basic designs. The Dictionary is written in large print, 20 point font, and may be read as a pdf or printed, however you prefer. It is tablet and screen reader friendly.
Accompanying the Dictionary is a trio of patterns, to help show you how stitch patterns may be combined to make larger projects. This pattern e-book includes a four page photo gallery and is written in large print, 24 point font.
The Stitch Sampler Shawl is a full size lace shawl made from one skein of sock yarn on a 1/2 inch gauge loom with 55 pegs. The shawl is made from three different stitch patterns.
The second pattern of the collection is the “Just The Way You Like It Cowl”. This pattern is written in two parts. The first part shows you how to use different stitch patterns from the dictionary to make the cowl. The second part shows you how to make the cowl. The pattern calls for a 3/8 inch gauge loom, but any loom gauge may be used. The pattern is not difficult, but it has a lot of fun possibilities. It may be worn as a long cowl, a neck wrap, a “V” neck cowl, or a scarf.
The last pattern of the collection is the Stitch Sampler Hat. This pattern is designed to give you an idea of how to combine stitch patterns when working in the round. The hat is made on a 3/8 inch gauge loom with 72 pegs. The hat also has some interesting shaping techniques, as well as two different options for making the top of the hat – a round top and a longer pointed top.
Accessibility statement: The pattern collection is written in all black 24 point arial font, single column, no italics. All directions are fully written out in a step by step manner. The dictionary is written in 20 point all black arial font, single column no italics. The directions are fully written out and in terms for loom knitters.
$24.00 for dictionary and pattern collection e-books from etsy.com