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Designer’s description:
Welcome to the sixth pattern of Year of Meditations! This design is for Mabon, which is usually September 21. Beginning the scarf at Lughnasadh should allow enough time to complete your project and have the chance to wear your scarf (or drape it nearby) while enjoying something refreshing on Mabon. Included is a mini-magazine with a recipe, information about wolves, and a meditation. This is a wonderfully simple design of 1/1 cables and slipped stitches that have enough repetition to be meditative while still keeping your interest to the end. The design represents the way our voices rise in song or celebration. It would look great with tonal, gradient and handspun.
This pattern is available as part of a 6 pattern e-book collection and individually.
Link to individual pattern on Ravelry $6.00
Link to e-book collection on Ravelry $36.00