Making Stories Issue 7 Spring and Summer 2022

Merrymaker is a pullover sweater with simple colorwork bands that squiggle across the sweater and sleeves.
Sea Forest socks. These socks are knitted toe-up. At first, only the top of the foot is knitted with lace, while the sole is worked in garter stitch, simulating the movement of the ocean currents. Once the heel is done, the lace covers the entire leg. The final length of the socks can be adjusted as desired.
Cigar Cardigan.It is knitted bottom up, and worked flat. The sleeves are knitted top down with picked up and knit sts around the armhole. The Braid Stitch (smoke if you will) runs along the hem and button band, around the armholes and cuffs. The Braid Stitch is very delicate and easy to remember. It is mostly seamless, except for the shoulder seams. Cigar Cardigan is a long-sleeved, slightly boxy and short cardigan with dropped shoulders that make the cardigan a timeless and very comfortable basic.

Accessibility statement: Making Stories Issue 7 has three patterns that have been formatted for visual accessibility. Cigar, a cardigan, Merrymaker, a colorwork pullover sweater and Sea Forest socks, are all available in 22 point all black Verdana text. Abbreviations have been removed to allow the patterns to be read clearly by screen readers, and all chart directions are written out and fully incorporated into the pattern text. A separate abbreviation file is also included. Files are in pdf format. You can purchase the magazine in digital or print and receive the 3 patterns, or you can purchase the 3 patterns separately at a lower price because the full magazine is not included. This is listed as the “easy read” option.

Link to Issue 7 in the Making Stories shop.