shawl shown in two colors with wavy stripes and eyelet rows.

Mordryg Shawl by Anthea Willis

A large print version of the pattern is included as a seperate download. Print size: 22 point font in Candara. Font colour: Black. Includes fully written, row by row instructions for stitch pattern chart. Enlarged chart also included for those who prefer to work from a chart.

“From my sheltered spot high on the cliffs I watch as a sea breeze sends foam tipped ripples dancing across the bay and the tide retreats from the golden sands revealing piles of smooth pebbles and shells. Farther out to sea the water darkens, the waves barely register at this distance but the little boat bobbing on the horizon, appearing and disappearing suggests they are more than they seem from here, that the calmness is merely an illusion. The wind picks up and the ripples catch the light and sparkle, mesmerizing…
Mordryg (meaning “low tide” in the Cornish language) echoes the rippling of the retreating tide in meditative garter stitch worked in three different shades of the sea.”

Skill Level: Easy

Skills needed: longtail cast on, garter stitch, kfb and YO increases, k2tog decreases, carrying yarn up the side of work when knitting stripes, Elastic bind off (instructions given).

Finished Dimensions:
75 cm or 29.5 inches by 185 cm or 73 inches.

Pattern price has a flexible pay what you can model with the range of 3.60, 4.80 or 6.00 British Pounds, plus VAT.

Link to pattern on Ravelry