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Designer’s description: Musselburgh was inspired by a World War Two era pattern for a Fatigue Cap, which “can be worn as a scarf, and has many other uses”. That pattern is simply a tube, seamed at each end and folded in half inside itself. I was struck by how modern this simple concept appeared, and how much like the simple, commercially knit beanies, that are ubiquitous on my local beaches in the winter. Instead of the straight seams across the ends I’ve added 4 point shaping, so you begin at one end with eight stitches, increase, knit forever, and then decrease to mirror the shaping at the other end. The length I’ve given will allow for a nice deep turned-up brim, but isn’t quite as long as the 36 inches in the wartime pattern, less useful as a scarf, or the mystery “other uses” but more comfortable as an every day hat. It’s also makes it the perfect length to wear slouchy. Musselburgh includes 6 sizes and 6 gauges, so you can knit it with the yarn you prefer, to fit everyone. Because every size starts in exactly the same way you can skip swatching and measure gauge on your project.
Link to pattern in Ysolda’s shop 5.00 GBP