O Me Miserum Socks by Jess Thompson

Socks have a puff stitch pattern running vertically from the cuff down across the top of the foot, stopping at the toe. The back half of the leg, foot and toe are smooth. There is a narrow cuff.

Accessibility Statement: This pattern has a print disability and screen reader friendly version. That version has 24pt Verdana font, no italics are used, with both written instructions and charts. The charts are colour-blind friendly. All information in the charts in conveyed in the written instructions, so the pattern can be made without reference to charts. The pattern contains images; all of which have alt text and captions. Abbreviations and symbols have been removed from the pattern. This pattern has been checked by an accessibility editor. Due to my own disability, I am not able to test this pattern with a screen reader, if you use a screen reader with this pattern I’d love to hear how it goes.

Designer’s description: These are smocked socks that feature a repeating ‘O’ motif that undulates in size. ”O me miserum” is Latin for ‘O wretched me’ — a good phrase to know if you ever need to sound like a posh person unironically complaining about first-world problems. These socks are knit cuff-down and have a cuff-down version of a Fleegle Heel (no picking up stitches!) and a wedge toe with a wider toe band for a better anatomical fit. The pattern contains technique illustrations, a ‘how to’ for working this pattern off gauge, both charts and written instructions, handy tips and tricks, and there’s even a little something in there for medieval marginalia conisseurs! There’s a colourful version, a black and white version for printing, and also a print disability and screen reader friendly version. This pattern has been tested and tech edited, as well as being checked by an accessibility editor.

This pattern is free on Ravelry and Payhip:

Ravelry link: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/o-me-miserum-socks

Payhip link: https://payhip.com/b/CQBaK

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