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The easy read version respects the following requirements: 24 point Arial font; 26 and 28 point and bold for headings; black text, white background; left justified, 1 inch margins; no columns; page numbers bottom left; no charts; all abbreviations explained in the list.
Designer’s description: Use this Tunisian crochet lace shawl pattern to make an elegant accessory for yourself or a loved one for the summer, for a Pride celebration or just for showing off your skills in Tunisian crochet. Made in cotton yarn, it’s perfect for a summer wedding, while worked in a light wool will keep you warm and elegant in any autumn or winter event you might want to attend. Use a shawl pin to keep the wrap in place around your shoulders and add more pattern repeats from the beginning for a longer wrap that drapes over your arms.
A free version of the pattern is available on Andrea’s blog.
The pdf version, including the low vision file is found on etsy $7.05 (the original price is in EU, so you may see a different price depending on your location.)