Accessibility statement:
In an effort to make my patterns more accessible to all, a large print version of the pattern is included as a seperate download. Print size 24 point. Font: Candara. Color Black, no italics, pattern fully written not charted.
I never thought I was a particularly huggy person but if there’s one thing the pandemic has taught me it’s that, actually, I AM a huggy person and boy do I miss hugs!? Wrapping myself up in knitwear or gifting a smooshy yarny hug to a loved one is the next best thing and this quick and easy knit means you can wrap everyone in hand knitted hugs in next to no time. Choose your style – cosy and fitted one skein wonder or warm and stylish two skein double wrap.
I am trying a new Pay What You Can Afford model. The price shown reflects the true value and best represents the amount of work it takes to produce the pattern from start to finish. This price supports me and my work and allows me to continue to create beautiful patterns for you to knit! To purchase the pattern at a price more accessible to you please use the codes below at checkout. The prices shown are what you will pay (plus any VAT that may be applicable in your area) PWYCA1 £2.40 (40% disc) PWYCA2 £3.20 (20% disc)
Link to pattern on Ravelry 4.00 GBP