Accessibility statement: This pattern includes a second PDF version that is formatted for accessibility. It has black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.
Designer’s description: Ever since I started knitting, it has been a significant source of stress relief for me. A few minutes of stitching, especially on a simple pattern, can do wonders for helping me calm down and think more clearly. That’s why I’ve named these mitts the Serenity Mitts. They’re a simple pattern meant to be relatively mindless, so you can relax into the stitches without having to think too much about them. The two columns of purls and slipped stitches running up the middle are just enough to break up the rounds without making anything feel either tedious or overwhelming. Sizes small, medium and large.
Link to pattern on etsy $6.75