Single Jig Mitties by Sile Thiels

Fingerless mitts with a wonderful Celtic braid cable.

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The Single Jig Mitties are the fourth pattern in my ebook, All the Jigs and Reels. They are a sister pattern to the Single Jig Mittens, using the same cables and basic construction.

The Single Jig Mitties feature the same longer cuffs as the Single Jig Mittens. I also made the hand section a bit longer as I found using my cane that most fingerless mitts’ top edge caught at the handle and could be uncomfortable or unwieldy. The ribbing keeps the mitties close to the skin and is very comfortable to wear while doing most anything. Even knitting! Single Jigs, like standard jigs, are in 6/8 time with a slight change in emphasis to the tune. Hum a few bars of “Pop, Goes the Weasel”; that’s a single jig. To represent the single jig I choose a 6 strand cable, very familiar to anyone who has looked at cable patterns before. I’ve seen it listed various places as “Saxon Braid”, “Celtic Braid”, “Complex Cable” and I’m sure others that aren’t coming to mind. The mitties are knit cuff to tip, with a gusset insert for the thumb sts. When the gusset is complete, the thumb sts are placed on hold and the mittie is continued to the top. Once done the mittie, you’ll return to the thumbs stitches to complete the thumb.

This pattern is available individually and as part of an ebook.

Link to pattern in Sile’s shop 5.50 CAD

Link to ebook on Payhip 30.00 CAD