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Designer’s description: If I asked you to name some classic children’s films, probably one of the films you would think about is The Wizard of Oz. As a child, I loved this film, partly due to the colours and the songs. The film starts with one of my favourite songs of all time, ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow,’ and soon after, a tornado starts to form, sending Dorothy from her dreary farm in Kansas to the colourful Land of Oz. Even as adults, we can appreciate this story, as it’s a good reminder: we still search for outside validation. We seek to improve qualities we believe we lack but actually already possess and can’t see in ourselves. Sizes extra small to extra large. I use a Pay What Works system as I would like to be accessible to everyone. Please enter the coupon codes provided for the price you would like to pay. If no code is used then the price will be £5.99. Codes: SNOOP1 – £4.79, SNOOP2 – £3.89, SNOOP3 – £2.99.
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