Accessibility statement: A new Low Vision pdf has been added to this pattern’s file. This new pdf includes: all black text, sans serif 22 point font, photo(s) captioned, pattern is left justified, and use of bold type in place of italics. All directions are fully written out line by line. This pattern can be completed without using the chart included.
The Treble Reel Toque is the sixth pattern in my ebook, All the Jigs and Reels. The treble, or heavy, reel is usually the first hard (or heavy) shoe dance learned after the four softshoe dances. Hardshoes are the noise makers everyone remembers from “Riverdance”. Like the light reel, the treble reel is in 4/4 time. The cables I’ve chosen fit the 4/4 theme and there’s a bit of moss stitch for accent. The Treble Reel Toque is knit in the round and involves some short-rows to lengthen the back and keep your ears and neck warmer. Too often hats ride up exposing earlobes to the frigid winds. Not with this one! I live on an island in the North Atlantic Ocean and spent much of my life on the flat prairies of Western Canada; I understand never ending cold winds. I used basic wrap and turn short-rows, and these are explained in the pattern. I hope you’ll find them easy to do. This pattern also has decreasing cables in the crown shaping. These are explained in the notes section.
This pattern is available individually and as part of an e-book.
Link to pattern at Payhip 5.50 CAD
Link to ebook at Payhip 30.00 CAD