What Did I Come In Here For by Victoria Myers

Triangle shaped shawl knit sideways with bands of mosaic stripes across a dark background.

Accessibility Statement: This pattern is a fully written pattern.  A large print version is available as well as a low-vision version with size 24 Arial Black Font which should also work well with screen readers. All abbreviations have also been written out in the low-vision version to make it easier for users of screen readers.

How many of you have ever felt that way? Man – the amount of times I find myself standing in the living room with no idea what the plan was. So, I go back to what I was doing – usually knitting. And then, I’ve got it! Right back to the living room, and then no idea again! Hopefully by the time I’m on the pretty pink edge path – I’ll know what on earth I was doing! Triangle shaped shawl knit sideways with bands of soft mosaic stripes across a darker background.

Link to pattern on Ravelry $6.95