Ysolda Teague

Low vision details: The main text is black, 24 point, sans serif font
and all text is black on a white background. No italics are used. The directions for the cable section are in written form in low vision pdf. The schematic measurements are written out, and the schematic is labeled with 24pt text. Images have alt text. For screen reader users: The low vision version is tagged to work with screen reading software and has been tested. Images have alt text. Abbreviations are used in the directions, they are defined but may be read aloud oddly. Numbers for multiple sizes are presented as lists of numbers within the text and may be difficult to keep track of when using a screen reader. If this is something you use we’d love your feedback on how we could improve the pattern formatting for screen readers.

Link to Abbeyhill Sweater on Ravelry

Link to Abbeyhill Sweater on Ysolda’s website

Purchasing from Ysolda’s website only allows one pdf to be attached per listing so that the low vision version is not included. Contact Ysolda via her site if you are unable to use Ravelry about obtaining the low vision version.