Accessibility statement: This pattern is low vision accessible, color blind accessible and screen reader friendly. Bold San Serif font in size 22. Everything is completely written out and no charts are used. It uses only black text on a white background. Also created with the dyslexic friends in mind.
Designer’s description: Start your summer off right, with a sling for your favorite beverage! Anything in a bottle or can will fit in this awesome sling. So I know you may be wondering “Why would I need this?” That’s the best part, you don’t need it, but think about how cool it would be to have another in the chamber while you have one in your hand? Great for the beach getting your hot girl summer on or in your backyard in the kiddie pool that may have a small leak in it. There are two sizes: single can and a tall boy/bottle. The strap can also be customized! Add or subtract stitches to fit your bod perfectly.
This is a free pattern.
Link to pattern on Ravelry.