Forest Floor Socks by Su Sayer

A toe up sock with a delicate pine cone lace pattern on the leg and top of the foot topped with a band of ribbing.

Accessibility statement: This pattern also includes a large print version. This includes: full written instructions, all text in black, Arial font in size 22 used throughout and no italics.

Designer’s description: If you are heading out for a woodland walk, to kick up the leaves and search for pine cones what could be better than a pair of handknit socks to keep your toes toasty? Knit in stocking stitch with a delicate pine cone pattern, these socks will be the perfect companion on your quest for nature. Knit in West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4ply, these socks are worked in the round from the toe up using Judy’s magic cast-on. The pine cone pattern is worked along the top of the foot and front of the leg, and can be worked from the chart or written instructions. The heel flap and gusset are created using short rows and a series of simple increases and decreases. Sizes baby through teen.

Link to pattern on Payhip 3.75 GBP