Rivenhall by Teresa Morey

This scarf features a lovely double row of eyelet edging framing wavy bands of mesh lace that intersect each other on the diagonal across the body of the scarf.

Accessibility statement: Rivenhall has a Low Vision Accessible version. This version is written in 24 point Arial in black text and it has no italics. All of the directions are fully written out.

Designer’s description: The Rivenhall scarf is knitted in just one skein of fingering weight yarn. The lace pattern is specially designed to show off hand painted and variegated yarns. It also looks excellent in gradient yarns. Rivenhall can be made longer or shorter as desired, so this pattern is ideal for precious skeins of hand-dyed yarn. The lace sections of the design are flanked by lines of slanting stitches that draw the colours of the yarn into angled panels to show off the variegation. Twisted decreases help the colours stand out along the slanting lines.

Link to pattern on Payhip $6.50