Accessibility statement: Making Stories Issue 6 also includes an Easy to Read, accessible digital version for people with print challenges, as well as for people who use screen reading software. All directions are written 22 point Verdana font, all black on white, in a single column. All the directions are written out and no charts are used for this edition. Most abbreviations have been removed to allow for screen readers and read aloud software to read the patterns clearly. Repeats have been specially edited to be understood when read aloud.
Designer’s description: In Issue 6, we’re taking a look upward and beyond as a gentle reminder to not forget to look skyward, to see the beauty above, to take a breath of fresh air. The 12 knitting patterns we’re so excited to share with you are inspired by everything we see when we take our eyes off the ground, the sky, the clouds, the buildings, the trees, the texture, the light. They’re complemented by the works of our artists and writers who remind us to stay present and connected, no matter where we are and what we see.
Print and digital both: €21,90
Digital editions only: €18,00
Currently the Easy to Read edition is available via purchase on Ravelry, as Making Stories is just putting together a new site. Keep checking the site to be able to purchase the Easy to Read via the Making Stories site.