Accessibility statement: a large print version of the pattern is included as a separate download. Print size: 24 point. Font: Candara. Font colour: Black. Fully written instructions – no charts.
Designer’s description: My son asked me if I could make him a triangle shaped scarf ‘like the ones you wear mum, but not so girly…’ Ever up for a challenge I created this cosy design – a top down triangular shawl with glorious garter stitch stripes and practical ties, essential for keeping the scarf in place during play! The Gap is formed by using reverse stocking stitch on the central stitch. It means the back of the shawl looks almost as good as the front (anyone with kids will know that reversible clothing is always a good thing!) For kids you can use practical, machine washable yarns in their favourite colours but a ‘grown up’ version in hand dyed gradient, speckled or semi-solid yarn would look fabulous too! My son, by the way, says its cool. And that’s good enough for me!!
Pay what you can pricing: PWYCA1 40% discount £2.40 PWYCA2, 20% discount £3.20, no code £4.00.
Link to pattern on Ravelry