Accessibility statement: This pattern includes a second PDF version that is formatted for knitters with low vision. It has black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.
Designer’s description: Parnassian (adj.) – pertaining to poetry. I can’t be the only one who thinks socks are just a bit poetic. You take some sticks and string, whirl them around each other, and with a little time and effort, you end up with intricate garments that are perfectly tailored to your feet. These socks have a simple, repeating stitch pattern that mimics the rhythm of a poem. The stitch pattern is just eight stitches over two lines, but the loops and swoops of the yarn overs and slipped stitches give the entire sock an almost musical quality as you work on it. With a basic heel flap and a classic wedge toe, these cuff-down pretties are perfect for adding some poetry to your sock drawer. Sizes small, medium, and large.
Link to pattern on etsy $6.75