Spring Forward Socks by Anthea Willis

Top down socks alternate bands of lace and ribbing around the leg and the top of the foot. A heel flat style heel and picot cast on at the cuff.

Accessibility statement: a large print version of the pattern is included as a separate download. Print size: 22 point. Font: Candara. Font colour: Black. Includes fully written instructions for lace.

Designer’s description: “Spring forward, Fall back” A little phrase to help us remember which way the clocks change twice a year to make the most of those daylight hours. Here in the UK, at the end of March, the clocks go forward one hour, marking the beginning of British Summertime – although in reality it’s just a few days after the Spring Equinox. The lighter evenings always make me feel like I have more energy to get things done and, as the days begin to warm up I find socks are the perfect project for outdoor knitting too! Knit from the cuff down with a cute picot cast on and a heel flap and gusset construction. The pattern is written for three ankle circumferences. Leg and foot length can be easily adjusted to suit. Skill level: Moderately Easy – picot cast on may look a little daunting but it’s much simpler than it looks! Quick satisfying knit for more experienced knitters.

Pay as you go pricing: PWYCA1 £3.00 (40% disc) PWYCA2 £4.00 (20% disc); no code £5.00

Link to pattern on Ravelry