Accessibility statement: This pattern includes a second PDF version that is formatted for knitters with low vision. It has black text, size 22 or larger text in a sans serif font, no italics, no columns, and fully-written directions. The chart is still included but is not needed to work the pattern.
Designer’s description:
Tucked into the Santa Monica Mountains is a canyon with a stream running through it. It’s filled with sycamore trees that rustle in the sunset breeze. When I was a girl, my family camped there every Thanksgiving, and it has become an almost sacred place for us. It’s a simple little state park, no bells or whistles, but the canyon opens out onto the Pacific Coast Highway and the beach. It’s pretty magical. I’ve named this cowl for Sycamore Canyon because its color reminds me of the leaves on the sycamore trees in late autumn.
Link to pattern on etsy $7.00