Shooting Stars Shawl by Su Sayer

A two-color and two-texture shawl has alternating bands in varying widths of a solid color yarn and a lace knit in mohair, to striking effect.

Accessibility statement: Pattern also includes a large print version. This includes: full written instructions, all text in black, Arial font in size 22 used throughout with no italics.

Designer’s description: Inspired by the night sky and the rare sight of a meteor shower, this large triangular shawl is the perfect accessory for keeping out the chill. Be it on a summer evening or autumn morning, Shooting Stars will soon become your go-to shawl. The mix of Wensleydale and mohair in Whistlebare’s Yeavering Bell gives an ethereal glow to the stripes of silver lace ‘shooting’ across the purple sky. Featuring a simple lace repeat on a stocking stitch background, this elegant shawl is ideal for those wanting to experiment with colour.

Link to pattern on Payhip 3.75 GBP